Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So I know that I said I'd write about going though the motions of worshiping but when i sat down to write about it I was going on a blank so I wrote what i was thinking about.. Which is my future husband... 

I may not be very old yet but I still feel like waiting for Mr. Right (if God even has a Mr. Right for me) is going to take forever! When i was younger I always thought I'd get married right out of high school. Well i wanted to get married by then anyway. So now that I'm out of high school and not married I feel like its going to be a long time before i get married. I understand that I need to have patience and wait on the Lord's timing but some days are harder then others.  I don't know about you but some days I would just like to have someone who I can just call up and chat with about anything and everything. I have friends that I can talk to about stuff but I'd like to have that one person God picked for me. Because I know if His picked him then he(mr. right) is really going to care about what I'm saying.
I also have days where I'd like to just take care of 'my man'. I often wonder if the fact that I feel like I'm ready to be a home maker is a sign that I'm getting closer to finding Mr. Right or that maybe I've already found him and God is just working on our hearts. Which leads me to my next thought. 
How will I know when the right one is in my life? Is there going to be this moment where I just know this is what the Lord wants?  Or will it be this long process of questioning to make sure we agree on most things? Which also makes me wonder, Am I going to date many different guys or will God bring one man into my life? I have so much to learn and so much growing to do before I get married. Shoot, maybe even before I date! I guess I'm just going to have to get more patiences. Thanks for reading my Random Ramblings! :)



  1. Well just know you're not alone in your wonderings! I have wondered and worried over many of these things about "Mrs. Right," but you're correct. We've just got to trust God's timing. We're young and have plenty of time to find the right person. :)

  2. As someone who got married right out of high school, I just want to say that it makes marriage (which already has its challenges) a lot more difficult in the beginning. People change a LOT in their 20's. You might think you know what you want or who you are right now--and maybe you do--but most likely, it will change over the next few years and probably more than once.

    Chad and I had a lot of difficulties during our first few years of being married, because of this, and it was not fun or romantic to work through. We made it and I'm very happy we did, but most people don't. There's nothing wrong with waiting and figuring yourself out first. It will probably only give you a stronger marriage in the end! Just focus on being the best Katharine you can be and hopefully any future man in your life will do the same thing. People usually find each other when they stop looking so hard. :)
