Sunday, June 19, 2011

My NEW Option On Being Homeschooling.

My option on being homeschooling. If you would have asked me a few weeks back if i wanted to homeschool my children in the future i would have told you "no way!" But after listening to these lessons by Mike Matiscik I've changed my mind. You see Mike explained something that I already knew but had never really clicked in my mind. He explained that it doesn't matter what kind of parents you have, or even if you had parents in you're life. You, as a believer in Christ, you now have God as you're father! And He is the one who we should be striving to be like, therefore we shouldn't worry about being our parents on earth. You now have a  heavenly father who is perfect and will help you to be like Him! So after hearing this I realized that I could be a Godly mother, no matter what my up bring was. And as long as I teach my children through Christ it won't matter if i'm the smartest person on earth. If i keep Christ as my focus then I don't need to worry about if i'm 'good enough' to homeschool my children. Now does this mean that I have my heart set on only homeschooling? No, it means that now i'm willing to do either homeschool, public, or private school my children. Whatever my husband and I decided in the far future! 
Plus, I've also realized that if i send my children to a public or even private school someone else is teaching them and the world doesn't have a fear or love of God. Would i really want my children to spend 8 hours a day stuck in the world like that? I don't really think so, but if i do ended up sending my children to school there would be no TV in my house unless their father and I am with them. AHH, to much world to keep away from young minds!! 
Alright so here is my Random Rambling for the day!  I think i'll be posting one tomorrow or some time this week about going through the motions of worshiping. 


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, a lot of people don't think they're "smart enough" to homeschool their kids... But as long as you can read and do simple arithmetic, teaching elementary school isn't nearly as hard as people make it out to be. The main point for Christians is that God be glorified. :)
