Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Re-Post from Facebook

The point of me writing this is so you guys all realize that all these little things you think won't matter later really do matter. As i look over the past four years i realize how much stuff i regret. Like not playing the goofy games, not meeting new people, or trying new things. 
Please listen(read) my note here as i try to give you all advice. 
Be involved all you can be, and be as loving as you can be(even to those who aren't as involved). You never know how much you can impact someone if you ask them how their week was! but don't just ask to ask but ask with a heart that cares about the answer! Because they can tell when you are asking just to make small talk. As Christians we are to be loving one another, and i don't think i really started to understand this till the end of my junior year beginning of my senior year. I wish i had realized that earlier in my years! I went for one thing, "what can i get out of youth group today?". and though yes, we are to get encouragement from our youth group. But whats more important, getting encouragement or being an encouragement! I think being encouraging it so much more important. If you are only looking for encouragement you are then lacking in building others up and being selfish. 
If i could go back to freshmen year I'd go back and serve more. Now those who know me know that i served a lot over the past four years but my motives could have been so much better. I could have served in different areas. I normally served wherever one of my buddies was serving. If i had stepped out of my comfort zone and served in other areas i could have met more people in the youth group and been more of an encouragement. 
I also would have focused one my walk with the Lord a lot more then I did. I spent most of the past four years worrying about..well boys truthfully. Which is simply dumb since i believe God has my husband picked out for me already what was the point in worrying about it? I really wish i had lived by this quote
‎"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."
but now three years after getting saved i still have to work on my devotion life like if i was a new believer. That i think is my biggest regret! 
So please if you are going into your senior year, junior year, sophomore year, freshmen year, or even jr. high years please keep your focus on what is truly important to you. Well what is really important to you? Is it the girls/boys? Is it looking good? Is it making the sponsors think you're wonderful? Or is it being glory to God? I really hope/pray its the last one!

I hope I've been some what of an encouragement to you as you read this. (and that you could understand it because i know i'm not very gifted at typing, lol)

In Christ's Love,

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