Sunday, December 11, 2011


So this morning I was sure I'd spend most of my day crying! BUT, I haven't cried at all today. I visited a new church this morning which I really enjoyed (thought not as much as one of the others, though). We sang one of my favorite songs "Glorious and Mighty", which is a song that even on a normal day would make me cry. But, God placed two adorably beautiful girls in the row right in front of me. They kept looking back at me or just simply staring at me. Those faces made it so easy to not cry! I couldn't help but smile when I looked at them. Then afterwards I went to lunch at a friends house. This was the first time (other then Thanksgiving) that I've had a home cooked meal in a very long time. It was super yummy! Thought I spent most of the day with people, I still had many times I could have just let the past week and all the emotions get to me. But. through God's grace I didn't. I kept an attitude of thankfulness through out the day! And I praise God for that! My day would have been...bad if He hadn't! 

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way [you look] at what happens" - John Horner Miller

‎"the greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances. " Martha Washington

These quotes make me think of how we choose to be depressed most of the time. I mean, really I believe over half the people with depression are just being 'Debbie Downers" now that doesn't mean all of them are but I know there are some out there. Who just think, "oh poor me, look at how hard my life is." When we (yes I said we cause I KNOW I'm guilty of this from time to time) really have more things to be thankful for then we can count! So this kinda makes me think of a conversation I had with a very dear friend of mine, who just pointed out to me what a lot of my problem was. I simply is that attitude is a big part of everything. If you have a sore attitude your day is gonna stink, if you have a good attitude bad things may happen but your day won't stink! 

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