Friday, September 9, 2011


We make our own idols... Anything we can spend time on or with we can turn into an idol, and we normally do. Idols are no longer just a statue that looks like cows, idols are everywhere. Now days they are things like facebook(for me it was), boyfriends/girlfriends, playing music, reading books, actors, and many more things. We take all these things that God blessed us with and turned them into our own personal idols. Sometimes our idols can't even been seen by other because we turn ourselves into our own idols. Our pride is a huge idol, we often act like we did all this stuff all on our own which is pride and holding yourselves up higher then God. By doing this we have pretty much become our own idol. 

 Listen to these words of wisdom and this song by Tenth Avenue North, maybe it will have an impact on your life like it did for me.

Tenth Avenue North


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