Thursday, September 15, 2011

I AM really that bad.

As it is written, "There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God;All have turned aside, together they have become useless;There is none who does good, There is not even one."  "Their throat is an open grave, with their tongues they keep deceving," 
"The poison of aspa is under their lips"; "whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness"; Their feet are swift to shed blood, Destruction and misery are in their paths, and the path of peace they have not known." "There is no fear of God before their eyes."
Romans 3:10-18

Friday, September 9, 2011


We make our own idols... Anything we can spend time on or with we can turn into an idol, and we normally do. Idols are no longer just a statue that looks like cows, idols are everywhere. Now days they are things like facebook(for me it was), boyfriends/girlfriends, playing music, reading books, actors, and many more things. We take all these things that God blessed us with and turned them into our own personal idols. Sometimes our idols can't even been seen by other because we turn ourselves into our own idols. Our pride is a huge idol, we often act like we did all this stuff all on our own which is pride and holding yourselves up higher then God. By doing this we have pretty much become our own idol. 

 Listen to these words of wisdom and this song by Tenth Avenue North, maybe it will have an impact on your life like it did for me.

Tenth Avenue North


Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Desire

So this weekend I went to a festival called LifeLight. It was held is in a corn field out in South Dakota. This festival is pretty much the biggest free Christian concert in USA So there were a ton of bands there, bands like Relient K, Tenth Avenue North, Sanctus Real, Britt Nicole, Chris August, Jeremy Camp, and smaller bands like Press Play, Ivoryline, and Manafest. The weekend was filled with all different kinds of worship and praise music. Some that you'd find in a church some that you probably wouldn't. The whole weekend was so great! I can get over how much fun I had. But here is what I want to write about. On Sunday night I got to hear my favorite artist, and he closed with my favorite song. 

My Desire by Jeremy Camp

You want to be real
You want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the King
You want to be whole
You want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today then lay it all down before the King

This is my desire
This is my return
This is my desire to be used by you

You want to be real
You want to be emptied inside
And I know my heart is to feel you near
And I know my life
It's to do your will
It's to do your will


All my life I have seen where you've taken me
Beyond all I have hoped and there's more left unseen
There's not much I can do to repay all you've done so I give my hands to use


As I sang these words with my arms lifted high I couldn't help but cry. I've been living my life these past 3 or so years more for myself then for my Savior. I've had this 'desire' to serve Him, and have wanted to. But I never did anything about. As I look back I have found myself serving more to please men then to please Him! I find myself wanting to me more godly and Christlike so that way a guy will 'fall for me'. My true desire has been self focused. I'm at the point where I'm doing the right things,  just for the wrong reasons. I don't even know what to do anymore. I have to learn to spend time in His word and fall in love with my Savior! Why is it so much easier to fall in love with boys of this world then the one who created the world?



Hey everyone so I have a prayer request.
A few months ago God placed Sudan Africa on my heart. Since then I've been praying and thinking about being a missionary to Sudan(Southern Sudan). My plan is to in about 5 years make my way to Africa! I've started to learn Arabic, so that way (Lord willing) I'll be able to talk to most of the people I meet. I don't think I'll do a year long trip but i'm hoping for 2 or 3 months. All right, so now I'll get to my prayer request. If you could please be praying for me and missionary plans. I've got a lot of work to do before I can go. I need to learn how to be a missionary here, as well as learning to speak/read arabic.(which is hard) Being a missionary in my own home is hard, but there are so many lost people here in Lincoln so it has to be done. I also want to make sure I keep Christ behind my motives at all times. I've had a few people already tell me that they don't think I will end up being a missionary, so I could easily want to go just to prove them wrong. Which is a horrible motive for going to Africa. So if you could just keep me in prayers that would be wonderful, this is such a big thing for me. And its kinda scary. I'm not sure who I'll end up going with, or any of those details yet so I really have to just trust that God will take care of those plans.
Thanks for reading this!!
