Saturday, July 16, 2011


So I came across this quote on my friends status on Facebook and I found it convicting.

"For some reason, I have noticed Christian girls who are "engaged to" or "married to" another girl on Facebook. Marriage isn't a joke, ladies. Change your relationship status, please. And leave the denigration of marriage to the homosexuals. It isn't chic to act like you are married to a chick." 
-Mike Adams

I never really thought about it when I was 'married' to a friend that was a girl. It was just a joke... So if you have seen my relationship status on Facebook and have been confused or offended I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rambling about Women's Roles

I've been listening to sermons by Rick Holland lately and loving every minute of it! The latest ones i've been listening to have been his "Women to be and Wife to find" series. And I have totally fallen in love with them! He's been digging in to Titus 2! Which I think is now my favorite passage! It has everything I love in it! It speaks of what the women's rolls are in the home and it speaks about discipleship which is something that lays heavy on my heart! 
Here are some of the things that Rick has pointed out that I'm looking forward to about being a wife someday. 
  • The fact that a husband's reward in life is his wife. 
     Ecclesiastes 9:9 says " Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun." 
To many women now days this sounds horrible. To them they see if as a man winning a prize, I see it as a wonderful job God has given me! The job of being a women after God's own heart so much that I would considered a reward to anyone sounds amazing to me!  
~Along with that we(wives) get to bring glory to our husbands, which also sounds bad to women now days. Because they don't understand how beautiful it is to be a women of God bring glory to her husband and to God! 
  • Being a Homemaker 
I'm also looking forward to the simple role God is giving me. The role of being a homemaker sounds amazing to me! I'll be the one who takes care of all the little things at the home. and the one who will be with my children every step of their lives! The one who plans and makes the meals. And being the one who decorates the home. Okay so that last one isn't really a biblical thing but i'm still excited for it!
  • Being a Mother
I already sorta touched this but it has to have its own spot. Being a mother will be so wonderful! Very challenging but wonderful! I will get to watch my children from baby to adulthood! Being a mother/homemaker a.k.a stay at home mom will allow me to see everything that happens in my children's lives from the first time they talk to the first time they drive all the way to their weddings! I simply don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be a stay at home mom. I mean I understand its going to be hard and I may end up crying a lot. Especially when they get old enough to talk about. But I still think its very important to be the one in their lives from birth on!  Something that Rick pointed out is that if I send my children to a daycare or have a full time nanny, it is the people who work at the daycare or the nanny who gets to see all the first! Its also the daycare worker or nanny who my child would run to when they get hurt. They'd run to them instead of to me, mommy. I'm not even a mother yet but I understand that it would stink to have them not want mommy first. 
(Just so you know I'm not against Nannies or daycares because well I am a Nanny and i think this is why i understand how much it would stink to have them run to someone other then there mom when they get hurt and other little things like that because i know i wish my nanny kids would want me when they get hurt. But what is the first thing out of there mouth when they get hurt? "MOMMY!!! I WANT MOMMY" )

I've been listening to more Rick Holland but now about relationships so I may end up posting about that! 


Monday, July 11, 2011

Photography and a Quote of the Day

I'm working on writing about Women's roles but its taking me a while. So here is a post for you. I hope you enjoy the photo!

"I don't care how much you cry during singing or preaching, if you do not live a life marked by love toward others, the Bible has no encouragement for you to think that you're a Christian. None."
~ Mark Dever

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Quote For The Day

"He takes the simplest and creates mountains that create a new landscape...maybe you'll be His next volcano"
-Ethan Armstrong

You never know what the Lord will do with you! He could take something 'small' you do and use it to change the world! Or he could take something you do and change one persons life for the rest of their life! Keep doing what you feel the Lord has put you here to do!


My Bucket List

After hanging out with Lindsey then Alissa and both of them asking if I had a bucket list I decided I needed to make one. So here it is! As I come up with more things I'll add them! :) (they aren't in any kind of order) Whats your bucket list?
  • See a wild bear
  • See a wild wolf
  • Get a Tattoo 
  • Camp in a tent
  • get married xD
  • Live somewhere other in Lincoln, Ne for a while
  • Bring my family to Christ
  • Make a huge impact on someone's life
  • Learn to play the guitar well
  • Write a good song
  • Visit all 50 states
  • Go to Australia
  • See a wild Koala
  • Go storm Chasing 
  • See a tornado 
  • Be in two places at once
  • Go to a 'real' concert.(real concert=when I don't personally know someone in the band)
  • Adopt a child
  • Go to Canada
  • Paint a room with Balloons filled with paint 
  • Record a song
  • Go to Yellowstone
  • See Crazy Horse after it is finished 
  • Go on a missions trip
  • Learn how to dance
  • Have someone write  song for me
  • Be able to say I've never been drunk or smoked a cigarette