Saturday, February 4, 2012

What is the problem with women

So many of us want this "picture perfect guy" Well there is a huge flaw in this! We are so busy looking at the flaws in the men in our churches that we ignore the flaws in ourselves. Take me for example, I'm a pretty young believer, I know the Gospel(not the best at presenting it, but I know it.) I'm pretty nice, I enjoy helping people. So I seem like a pretty good Christian lady so now I'm on to finding that good Christian gentlemen. Well, here is my problem, I'm looking for that good christian gentlemen. If I'm looking for him, then am I really trusting God's sovereignty or am I trying to do it on my own? I've realized this week with the help of a friend that I'm not trusting in God 100%. Which means I have a lot of work to do still. Just like I don't want to marry a man that isn't going to lead me with God's word being held first, I don't want a man to marry me if I'm not going to trust in God 100%, submit and love my husband. I don't wish for men to find themselves with a women who isn't fully committed to them, so should I wish myself upon someone if I'm not first and foremost committed to Christ? This I believe is a big problem with Christian women now days. We spend so much time saying that the men of our generation need to man up and be men that we forget that we need to be Lady's of Christ just as much as men to be Men of Christ. We need to be Women of a Meek and Mild heart as much as men need to be Men of Courage. And let me just point out to you what Meek and Mild mean, they mean to be gentle and not easily provoked. Now take a look at yourself, are you this way? So we keep asking, "Where are those Men of Courage?" Well, are you the kind of lady those Good Christian Men of Courage are looking for?
We often spend some much time worried and thinking about finding ourselves the perfect man that we forget to perfect ourselves to be the women that God wants us to be. I'm going to make challenage to all you young christian ladies out there to really step up and think more about your walk with the Lord, and less about how the men in our generation are acting. If we stepped up and started acting like we are supposed to then we could lead by example to the women in the next generation. And maybe if we are acting like Godly young women, then the men around us will be encouraged to be Godly young men as well!